Thursday 20 August 2015

VUM Workshop Surface Modelling Using Solidworks

Today is the day!

Abstract from College of Engineering Newsletter: 
Victoria University Motorsport's (VUM) contribution to National Science Week was the second in the “students teaching students series” of Solidworks CAD Modelling. Mr Nick Owen once again was facilitating the workshop titled “Introduction to surface modelling using Solidworks”. Students and academics took part enhancing their skills and knowledge on the subject. This was done using a guided demonstration method where the students learnt by doing or in this case “clicking”. Participants were walked though surface modeling, explained how to work within a 3d Sketch, set reference planes and use loft extrude and surface fill features. Once the surfaces had been configured the students specified a thickness to the surface. Without a surface thickness most simulation will fail, including CFD and FEA. Students ranged anywhere from 1st year to post graduate level, mixed gender and multidisciplinary. Not only mechanical students need CAD in there lives, anyone that has the desire to create, imagine and design should have the tools and knowledge to turn there ideas into designs this is what the series of workshops aims to do!

Lego Race Car_VUM15_20082015

Click the link below to download the zip files for the VUM Introduction to Surface Modeling Workshop using Solidworks: 
CAD Files For Workshop

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